matt lebofsky


Current Status: Here's the current situation... I play keyboards/etc. in Secret Chiefs 3, which recently sprang back to life. I also play keyboards in Joshua Cedar's 70's Jazz Rock Revue doing lots of fun fusion/prog covers. I also play bass/etc. in a PJ Harvey tribute band called Polly Genius. I play keyboards in a new band with other Oakland weirdos called Lunar Mistake. Our debut album is out! I've been sitting in lately on keyboards with Inner Ear Brigade. Once in a blue moon I play drums with Darling Freakhead. Jenya and I missed Fuzzy Cousins - so we're working a new album. I played bass in a loud/dark/heavy trio called Monstrika - a band that died during the pandemic. Real bummer, that. I put videos of our last live performance up on YouTube. I recorded piano on some tracks for the latest Igorrr album. Meanwhile I also play everything in various studio projects, with material released under the name Bodies Floating Ashore (or my actual name). I juggle several other curious projects, including playing stunt parts for other bands' recordings, composing video scores, performing in cover bands for fun (and money), and all sorts of random music production. Until their indefinite hiatuses I played bass in miRthkon, and keyboards in MoeTar. And I was co-leader or side-man in a zillion other bands over the years.

Listen: Bandcamp

Watch: Decent Videos of Matt Playing Live

Current/Recent Projects:

Older/Other Projects:

upcoming gigs

Saturday, May 3rd, 2025
Trying out a new town: Los Gatos! We'll be doing our thing all night at The Cats (voted best live venue AND best barbecue in 2024!).


other things

While not making music I work at UC Berkeley where I'm part of the world's biggest scientific search for extraterrestrial intelligence (Breakthrough Listen) and helped maintain the world's largest volunteer computing project (SETI@home) during its entire 20-year life span. As well I work on some video games, backpack in the mountains or through the deserts, produce silly videos, or write compulsively.

Computer Geekery:

Video Maker: YouTube Channel

Pictures/Travel: Old Web Albums | Instagram

Writing: Totally True Stories

Hire Me: LinkedIn

Email: matt AT lebofsky DOT com

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(portrait photo by Jenya Chernoff)