An Explanation
By selecting the forward button without knowing where it might lead you find yourself put upon to become a jury of my peers. As you sit in judgement of all that follows, all I ask for is your respectful attention.
Who am I to ask this of you? I am no one special, or rather I am as special as the value you ascribe to my endeavor here.
I have put together these pages over a number of months. The site, itself, has proceeded through many revisions and rewrites in the hopes of giving something of value to those who might accidentily find themselves at its door.
In an attempt to enhance this value I have recently trimmed a great deal of fat from the site, most of it sophomoric tripe; poems, essays, and political diatribes that were not only offensive, but also dangerously self-indulgent.
Anyway, as I travel and experience what the world has to offer, I find that beauty abounds. That it is limitless and at times defies description. That the interaction of physics and chemistry with the forces of biology and evolution yields glorious results, a feast for the senses beyond compare.
Further still, we, too, are of this world and when we put our hearts to it and attempt to combine the wonders of the natural world with man-made inspiration and symbiotic understanding, then even the works of men and women can have a special beauty, as well.
Perhaps I am too enamored of my own ability or thoughts to honestly expect you unwitting web travellers to appreciate what I offer here. Nonetheless, here you are. You may end up liking what you see. You might even appreciate what I have to say, the voice I use, the humorous anecdotes, and the ripe philosophy hidden within the excessive verbiage.
But above all, I hope that after you visit you come away with the urge to follow in the footsteps of the countless millions who have explored this globe, pondered its mysteries, and have grown to love all that it gladly offers us. The earth is all of ours to enjoy, a priceless gift to be shared and rejoiced with future generations. Its continued health is the key to a full life and our own immortality.