Gig Archives: 2025
(Disclaimer: this may be incomplete or inaccurate)Sunday, January 5th, 2025 We had a "soft opening" gig at the rehearsal space, not unlike (and at the same location as) the Free Salamander Exhibit soft launch however many years ago. Basically played the whole album for a small gathering of friends and cohorts and family on a Sunday afternoon. It went great! Proof of concept! We can do this! And we will again! And you will like it!
Tuesday, February 4th, 2025 Since we were going to be in LA rehearsing anyway, we booked a show at Zebulon and it ended up being quite the event! Opening the evening was CNTS (haven't seen Mike Crain since the Dead Cross tour!). We played a 90 minute set to the packed house, which included three new numbers. Good fun, and also had some good al pastor tacos in the venue. After we packed up and loaded out we got some more al pastor tacos from Leo's taco truck. When in Rome!
Saturday, February 8th, 2025 Secret Chiefs 3 headled the second night of the Subterranean Dissonance Fest in Philadelphia. So many great bands, and quite the marathon. Great to see several old faces (and meet some new faces). As he has been doing for decades, my old housemate/bandmate Joe drove up from VA to see the show and hang out - wotta guy!! I was in that venue for like 8 hours straight, during which there was some frosty weather outside - perfect timing as it all cleared up by the end of the evening when we walked all the gear back to the hotel around the corner. Flew home the very next morning, and I made my 40 minute connection in Chicago.
Friday, February 28th, 2025 original announcement:And yet again we'll be blowing the ceiling off of the Bistro in Hayward! Come on down and get yer fill of notes notes notes!
Saturday, March 22nd, 2025 original announcement:We're going to play our first real formal show for the world at the Little Hill Lounge in El Cerrito! Also on the bill: Ex-Juncos. Stoked about this.
Sunday, March 23rd, 2025 original announcement:Hey we're playing at the Kilowatt in SF along with Screen Frogs and Low Plateau! Yeah it's a Sunday in SF. So what? Will be a great show!